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“濠濮间想”造景意象源流考辨与 嬗变探因
“濠濮间想”,一作“濠濮闲想”,是中国园林重 要的造景意象之一。其典出《世说新语》,进而追溯至《庄 子》,而考察众多现存善本,其原作“濠濮閒想”,“閒”同 时包含“闲”之“闲适”与“间”之“之间”的含义。分析典 籍文本及后世文人、造园家对此典的引用,确定“閒”在此意 象中应释为“闲”,而由于唐宋以来园林意境理论及哲学思辨 的发展,以及明清之际在典籍转录、刊刻中频频以“間”代 “閒”,意象转而偏重于“间”。从“闲”到“间”不仅是文 字的流变,也反映了“濠濮閒想”这一意象被应用于园林造景 时,从早期侧重山水自然引发的“闲适”到后期侧重园林意境 “时空之间”体验的某些转向。对于“濠”“濮”的二重典 故,前者指向物我同一的终极思辨、后者重在个人德操品性的 表达,因而前者在园林造景中更受青睐,却可直接用典《庄 子》,其造景意向不能全然置于“濠濮闲(间)想”的语境中 加以理解。
关键词:  风景园林    濠濮间想  濠濮闲想  《世说新 语》  《庄子》
A Study on the Origin and Evolution of the Garden Making Narrative of "Meditation between Hao and Pu"
LI Rui,ZHAO Jijun,ZENG Yichong
As an important garden making narrative, "Meditation between Hao and Pu" could also be rendered as "Leisure from Hao and Pu". It comes from Shishuoxinyu (A New Account of the Tales of the World), but by examining a range of rare copies of the book, the narrative was originally "Leisure from Hao and Pu", where the meaning of "xian" comprised both "xian" (leisure) and "jian" (in between). But in the original texts and the references by later scholars and gardeners, "xian" in the narrative should be interpreted as "leisure". Due to the development of the theory of garden artistic conception and philosophical speculation since Tang and Song Dynasties, and the frequent replacement of "xian" (leisure) with "jian" (in between) in the transcription and printing of the texts during Ming and Qing Dynasties, the focus of the narrative diverted to "jian" (in between). However, the diversion from "leisure" to "in between" not only consisted in the change of words, but also reflected the shift from the focus on "leisure" caused by nature in the early times to the experience of "time and space" of garden artistic conception afterwards in the application of the narrative in garden making. As for the double allusions of "Hao" and "Pu", the former was related to the ultimate speculation of the unity of human and nature, and the latter emphasized the expression of personal morality and character. The former was therefore preferred in garden making, but could directly referred to Zhuangzi, because of which this narrative could not be accurately understood in the context of "Meditation between Hao and Pu" or "Leisure from Hao and Pu".
Key words:  landscape architecture  leisure or in between  Meditation between Hao and Pu  leisure from Hao and Pu  Shishuoxinyu  Zhuangzi

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