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园游、郊游、山水游:三种时空尺度 北宋文人交游
中国古代文人的群体一致性与个体矛盾性并存,该 特征的直接表现形式是文人交游活动,园林因作为交游活动的 场所而具有历史传承意义。然而此类研究集中于文、史、哲、 艺等学科,风景园林对其关注度较低。北宋文人群体规模大、 雅集结社之风盛行,且交游唱和诗作遗存较多。因此,以北宋 文人群体为研究对象,以司马光的独乐园及其举办的真率会、 欧阳修春游嵩山,以及邵雍的一次长途秋游为例,对园记、交 游唱和诗等遗存进行文本分析,归纳总结了园游、郊游、山水 游3种不同时空尺度的文人交游活动,挖掘文人交游与山水园 林调和共生、精神反哺的关系,对风景园林历史理论体系的完 善具有积极意义,观古知今以实现古为今用。
关键词:  风景园林  风景游赏  文人士大夫  文人雅集  私家园林  山水情结
Garden Tour, Outing Tour, and Landscape Tour: Scholar-official's Tour in Three Temporal and Spatial Scales in the Northern Song Dynasty
DING Mengyue,HU Yike,CAO Yuchao
In ancient China, the consistency and individual contradiction of literati group coexisted. The direct manifestation of this phenomenon is the literati's social interaction. Gardens have historical inheritance values when served as a place for social activities. A number of disciplines have examined the literati's social activities, such as the discipline of literature, history, philosophy and art. However, in the scope of landscape architecture, this type of study can hardly be found. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the literati groups were large in scale, and a great deal of attention was paid to the organization of the literati's social activities, otherwise called the "elegant gathering". Besides, many poems inspired by such gatherings were retained until today. Therefore, this paper studies the literati group in the Northern Song Dynasty. It uses three case studies to represent the social activities manifested within the literati group in gardens, in three temporal and spatial scales (garden tour, outing tour, and landscape tour). This paper presents the relationship between the literati's social activities and landscape tourism, which can provide important insights on the theory and history of landscape architecture
Key words:  landscape architecture  scenic tour  scholar-official  scholar-official gathering  private garden  landscape emotion

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