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闽三角城市群洪涝灾害风险分区及规划 策略探讨
灾害风险分区研究是灾害科学防控和城市韧性建设 的决策基础,但目前洪涝灾害风险评价大多离不开主观因素 判断的影响,弱化或忽视城市化背景下灾害风险的异质性。 基于主成分分析和神经网络算法,分别对闽三角城市群城市 化水平和洪涝灾害风险进行辨识,采用统计学、空间计量学 等手段探讨城市化过程对闽三角城市群洪涝灾害的系统耦合 效应、空间作用效应和风险主控效应,根据综合效应特征将 闽三角高风险区分为正向作用区、双向作用区和负向作用 区,并提出“辨异识重-协调衔接-博弈权衡”的分区规划策 略,以达到提升城市群风险防控效率、保障国民生命财产安 全及生态系统稳定的目的。
关键词:  风景园林  洪涝灾害  BP神经网络  风险分区  规 划策略  闽三角
Discussion on the Flood Disaster Risk Zoning and Planning Strategy of Urban Agglomeration in the Min Delta
WANG Qianwen,ZENG Jian,ZHAO Guangyu
Disaster risk zoning research is the basis of decision-making for scientific disaster prevention and urban resilience construction. However, most of the current flood disaster risk assessments are inseparable from the influence of subjective factors, weakening or ignoring the heterogeneity of disaster risks in the context of urbanization. Based on the principal component analysis and neural network algorithm, the urbanization level and flood disaster risk of the Min Delta were identified. The methods of statistics and spatial metrology were used to explore the system coupling effect, spatial effect, and risk control effect of the urbanization process on the flood disaster. According to the characteristics of the comprehensive effects, the high risk was divided into the positive action zone, the two-way action zone, and the negative action zone, and the zoning planning strategy of "discrimination and recognition & coordination and connection & game and trade-offs" was proposed to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of urban agglomeration risk prevention and control, ensuring the safety of people's lives and properties, and the stability of the ecosystem.
Key words:  landscape architecture  flood disaster  BP neural network  risk zoning  planning strategy  Min Delta

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