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基于扎根理论的世界遗产标准vii运用 表征及演化趋势研究
世界遗产标准vii是UNESCO用以评价遗产地审美 价值的重要准则,由标准iii演化而来,从文化与自然美的混 合评价转向了仅对自然美学特征评价。选取以标准vii列入世 界遗产名录的145处项目(1978—2017年),通过扎根理论 及分析,总结其运用特征、演化趋势和动因考辨。研究发现: 1)地区层面,不同地区运用标准vii所关注的审美价值具有差 异,如非洲关注色彩美学,欧洲和北美强调风景特质组合,亚 太地区重视强烈的自然文化关联、动态变化和组合关系,南美 和加勒比地区注重审美体验;2)词频运用层面,标准vii在各 地区的词频运用差异显著,各地区使用词频最高的为关于美的 “形容词”,除欧洲之外,其余地区代表“之最”特点的词频 次之;3)评价要点层面,欧洲和北美的风景特质评价具有很 强的特点与范式。最后解析了标准vii运用趋势与18世纪以来 的美学思想演变的内在联系;以期为标准vii的全球普世价值 与地区价值认知以及标准vii后续研究提供依据。
关键词:  风景园林  世界遗产标准vii  扎根理论  自然文 化性  审美价值
Study on the Application, Characterization andEvolution Trend of World Heritage Criterion viiBased on Grounded Theory
ZHAO Ye,XU Xiaoqing
Criterion vii is an important criterion for UNESCO to assess the heritage aesthetic value. Criterion vii is developed from criterion iii which transfers from assessing the aesthetic to assessing both the nature and culture. The research analyzes 145 world heritage sites which ever used Criterion vii for nomination. Through the grounded theory, this research analyzes the application tendency of Criterion vii and explores the reason of the application. Through the visualization digital technique, this research indicates that: 1) In terms of region, different regions reveal different aesthetic characteristic. Africa focuses on the color characteristic, Europe and North America emphasizes the vision experience, Asia reflects the strong combination of natural and cultural value, and South America pays more attention on aesthetic experience; 2) In terms of vocabulary application, this research finds out the most commonly used high-frequency words and makes a vocabulary tree diagram; 3) In terms of the emphasis of usage of Criterion vii, it illustrates the assessment of landscape characters in Europe and North America. Finally, this research summarizes the relationship of Criterion vii and aesthetic values since 17 th century, and provides evidence for the further usage of Criterion vii in the application of world heritage sites.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Criterion vii  grounded theory  nature and culture  aesthetic value

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